The seal of approval
Bush Crispo Vineyards was certified sustainable in 2015 and are continuously furthering the ideal.
A small sampling of the natural ways we support sustainability.
A new Home
By installing owl boxes, we have provided a safe home for the owls that reside in Sonoma County as well as utilized the instincts of these predators to diminish threats to the vines.
Efficient Drainage
At Bush Crispo Vineyards we utilize a frost pond to water the vineyards, with the additional water directed into the seasonal creek running though the property.
Reusing Materials
Finding new ways to repurpose old materials is something Bush Crispo Vineyards is very fond of doing. An example of this is our repurposing of wooden vineyard end posts into a dock for our lake. The vineyard end post were also repurposed into a fence boarding the Bush Crispo property.